
UWE to install largest single roof-mounted solar panel array in UK University sector

The University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) plans to quadruple its solar generating capacity this summer with an impressive 450kWp roof-mounted array at Frenchay Campus.
UWE to install largest single roof-mounted solar panel array in UK University sector

The array is set to be the largest single roof-mounted array in the UK University sector and will consist of 1,700 modules generating over 400 MWh of electricity, all of which will be used within the Frenchay Campus. The array will be installed on the roof of the University Enterprise Zone (UEZ) and the Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) in 'T' block as the building is refurbished and the Enterprise Zone takes shape. It will cover the roof of the 10,000 square metre building, and it is hoped it will generate up to half of the energy consumed per year within the building by BRL and the UEZ, both of which are very energy intensive areas of activity.

The £650,000 investment is expected to provide annual savings of £55,000 a year, saving around 200 tonnes of carbon per year. The university will use all of the power generated by the PV array so is not expecting to be able to return any of this energy back to the grid. However, given that a typical household has a 3 kilowatt (kW) array, the energy generated by these panels will be equal to nearly 200 solar panel equipped homes.

Alongside the PV array, the university is developing a Combined Heat and Power system (CHP), which will burn gas in order to generate electricity for the Frenchay Campus. The heat generated by burning the gas will also be captured and distributed to buildings on campus, via underground pipes. This will be used in buildings such as the new Student's Union, student accommodation and the new FBL building, for heating and hot water, reducing overall emissions for energy use on the Campus. The CHP and District heating project is expected to save 1,100 tonnes of CO2 each year.

“We have worked closely with UWE and hope that this new initiative will form part of a wider 'District Heating Network', which we are exploring with our colleagues at Bristol City Council” said Cllr John Goddard, Chair of South Gloucestershire Council's Resources Sub-Committee. “It is an important step forward when a large institution installs a system like this that demonstrates commitment to alternative forms of energy. We hope this will be the catalyst for other organisations to follow suit.”

Fabia Jeddere-Fisher, from UWE Bristol, added that from the project’s conception, the university chose a rooftop system that avoids the need to strengthen the flat roof if extra panels are added. Normally, panels placed on flat roofs require either weighing down, and in turn extra strengthening may be needed, or fixings that penetrate the roof membrane, which can introduce the risk of leaks. However, the system chosen means that the panels are welded into place, reducing load and reducing the need for roof penetrations and thereby the risk of leaks.

UWE is committed to sustainability and this project is part of a wider plan to invest in projects that will help the University achieve its carbon reduction goals. As a large organisation, the university is aiming to set an example for others to undertake similar projects. The installation of the solar PV and the CHP on site also puts the university in a strong position for demand response projects and on-site energy storage. This will not only reduce fixed charges to the university but can also have a positive impact on the national grid.  

The same type of system has previously been used by many universities but the UWE project is regarded as a small step towards aspirations to create a wider regional heat exchange network in the future.

UWE Bristol has received two awards at the Go Green Business Awards 2016 and is the first UK University to receive the NUS Responsible Futures Accreditation (under the full scheme). This accreditation recognises the partnership working by the Students' Union at UWE Bristol and the University to promote and embed education for sustainable development (ESD) in its curricula, to help students to understand the sustainability challenge facing society and preparing them to contribute to the green and low-carbon economy.

Over 600 students are signed up to The Green Team, organised by the UWE Student's Union. The group are passionate about exploring ways to create positive change on campus and in the Bristol Community, through student-led sustainability projects, training, activities, talks, workshops and volunteering.

For additional information:

University of the West of England (UWE)

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