
Active Energy Group opens inaugural CoalSwitch plant in Utah

Active Energy opened its first commercial CoalSwitch plant in Utah on Friday February 9,  2018. The event was an introduction to Active Energy Group, its Utah operations, management team and a demonstration of the reactors which can produce five tonnes per hour of finished CoalSwitch product (40,000 tonnes of product per year, depending on the type of raw material being used in the process).
Active Energy Group opens inaugural CoalSwitch plant in Utah

The material used for the demonstration was supplied by Young Living Farms for the launch of a new product for soil enhancement in Utah.  YLF is looking to develop a new product, utilizing the CoalSwitch process from existing waste materials from existing YLF processing plants.

Following the official opening event, members of the management team, including Richard Spinks, CEO and Phil Scalzo, Chief Technical Officer, gave a presentation.

The first public demonstration of beneficiation of biomass using CoalSwitch Plant was initiated by Ken Clark, Business Development Specialist for PacifiCorp, the parent company of Rocky Mountain Power, with whom Active Energy has been working closely for two years on a coal/biomass (CoalSwitch) co-firing project that is being supported by and conducted under the State of Utah's Legislated STEP Programme. 

The event was also supported by representatives from the Office of Energy Development of the State of Utah including Dr. Laura Nelson, Executive Director of the Utah Governors’ Office of Energy Development and Energy Advisor to the Governor of Utah. Representatives from the forestry management industry, timber processing/sawmilling, coal mining/coal waste reclamation industries were also in attendance.

“We are now focused on the next commercial milestones for Active Energy including the global roll-out of CoalSwitch fuel and CoalSwitch production Plants, which have the potential to change the power generation industry,” said Active Energy Chief Executive, Richard Spinks. 

Image: Phil Scalzo, Chief Technical Officer, leading a tour of the Utah plant

For additional information:

Active Energy Group

Tags: Biomass , Waste , Fuel , Oil
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