CCEF’S Conservative Clean Energy Champions are state and local policymakers who have shown consistent and exceptional support for conservative policy initiatives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Champions have all worked hard for the US transition to clean energy - working on issues ranging from net metering and third-party ownership to energy efficiency, renewable siting, and more, to make clean energy technology more accessible to ratepayers.
“As National Clean Energy Week approaches, we want to acknowledge the conservative policymakers across the country who are paving the way for a clean energy future” said Mark Pischea, president of CCEF. “We are thrilled to honour and highlight our strong slate of 2018 Conservative Clean Energy Champions and the work they are doing in their state and local communities to fight for energy policy solutions that spark innovation, create jobs, protect ratepayers, and grow our nation’s economy.”
This year’s list of Conservative Clean Energy Champions includes:
State Representative Jeff Weninger
State Senator Jeff Brandes
State Representative Holly Raschein
State Representative Ray Rodrigues
Agricultural Commissioner Gary Black
Public Service Commissioner Chuck Eaton
Secretary of State Brian Kemp
State Senator Butch Miller
State Representative David Ralston
State Senator Ron Alting
State Representative Ron Bacon
State Representative Mike Speedy
State Representative Jarad Klein
State Representative Andy McKean
Governor Kim Reynolds
State Representative Louie Zumbach
State Representative Tom Barrett
City of Walker Mayor Mark Huizenga
State Representative John Reilly
State Senator Dale Zorn
State Representative Dario Anselmo
State Representative Sarah Anderson
State Representative Cal Bahr
State Representative Nolan West
State Assemblyman Jim Marchant
Stephen Silberkraus, Candidate for State Assembly
North Carolina
State Representative Jason Saine
State Representative Bob Steinburg
State Representative John Szoka
State Senator Jeff Tarte
State Representative Rick Carfagna
Jon Cross, Candidate for State House
State Senator Matt Dolan
State Representative Laura Lanese
State Senator Pat Browne
State Senator Joe Scarnati
State Representative Mike Turzai
South Carolina
State Representative Nathan Ballentine
State Delegate Tim Hugo
State Delegate Terry Kilgore
State Senator Glen Sturtevant
State Senator Frank Wagner
Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch
State Representative Todd Novak
Pischea added that the Champions understand the importance of diversifying the nation’s energy portfolio and that CCEF applauds them for their work to advance policy solutions that emphasise clean, renewable energy and energy waste reduction, helping to create a more resilient grid, improve national security, protect natural resources, and spur investment and job creation in their communities.
Conservatives for a Clean Energy Future (CCEF) is an organisation that educates and advocates for energy policy solutions that move our nation towards energy independence and a clean energy future. It works with policymakers and stakeholders across the nation to promote policies that secure affordable, reliable, and increasingly efficient and renewable energy and believes that commonsense, market-driven clean energy policies will create local jobs, spark innovation and investment, and lower electric rates for all.
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