
PowerBlades GmbH looks forward to completion of its wind turbine rotor blade factory


The REpower associated company PowerBlades GmbH will complete the factory by the third quarter of this year.

The factory which is located in Bremerhaven will manufacture blades for the MM (2MW) REpower wind turbine from approximately August 2008. Further to this will also be made rotor blades for the 3 MW and 5M offshore wind turbines. REpower which is the third largest manufacturer in Germany has a 51% stake in PowerBlades along with A&R Rotec, which owns another 49%. At current the blades for the REpower MM82 and MM92 turbines are being produced in A&R Lemwerder. The new facility will be located immeaditely near the facility for the production of the 5M offshore turbines. This will be a key advantage as logistics costs will be saved and serial production can be undertaken.

The new factory will also boost the local economy with the expectation being that up to 275 new employees will be hired.

Matthias Schubert, REpower’s CTO, was quoted as saying: “We are proud that our company has remained committed to the potential of the offshore wind industry in Europe for such a long time with the development of the REpower 5M offshore turbine”. He continued: “Since construction of the prototype in 2004, 11 turbines have been commissioned on land and at sea. Now with our assembly hall and the PowerBlades rotor blade factory, our own production and logistics centre for offshore wind energy is coming into being here in Bremerhaven. It is a clear sign of our long-term commitment to the region which is also shown by the fact that other supplier factories are also establishing themselves in the harbour.”

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