
EcoSafi Introduces Clean, Efficient Biomass Cookstove 

Recently, at the IEA Summit for Clean Cooking in Africa, EcoSafi, a provider of high quality clean cookstoves and sustainable biofuels, announced a major step in their fight against climate change with the release of the EcoSafi BetterStove. 
EcoSafi Introduces Clean, Efficient Biomass Cookstove 
Courtesy of EcoSafi

It has also received the first-ever 'A' rating for a clean cookstove project from ratings agency BeZero Carbon.

Over 2 billion people still cook their meals using wood, charcoal, or even dung, a practice that's one of the leading causes of global carbon emissions and deforestation, and the leading cause of death and disease from household air pollution.

The BetterStove serves as a substantial leap from past biomass stoves, giving families a clean, sustainable, and affordable way to make dinner. Designed to combine form with function, BetterStove is clean and  efficient, delivering gas-like performance on planet-saving, sustainable biofuel. More than offering just great performance, the BetterStove completely reimagines how cookstoves look, showcasing a bold, sleek design that families will be excited to use.

The BetterStove is:

Efficient: BetterStove offers unmatched thermal efficiency and run time. It is 25% more efficient than the next best gasifying stove, which is the key driver of reduced carbon emissions. Just one batch of sustainable biofuel provides up to 2.5 hours of cook time.

Affordable: EcoSafi's biofuel is half the price of charcoal or LPG and delivers an equivalent, if not better, cooking experience.

Clean: The BetterStove meets the WHO definition for a clean cookstove, which includes tier 4+ for PM2.5 and tier 5 for CO, meaning the BetterStove is comparable to electric, LPG and other similar technologies.

Sustainable: The stove is 95% cleaner than charcoal and can avoid up to 3.5 tons of carbon emissions per customer, per year, when using the strictest methodology and metrics available. BetterStove's IoT-native design also delivers real-time carbon impact verification.

"Families deserve a clean, low-cost, reliable way to make dinner, one that won't hurt their pocketbook or our planet. This stove cooks better than any biomass stove being made today, saving families time and money, while helping cool the planet," said EcoSafi CEO Tom Price. 

EcoSafi received an 'A' rating from BeZero. This is the highest rating BeZero has ever given a cookstove project anywhere in the world, and the first 'A,' validating EcoSafi's commitment to charting a new path forward in high integrity carbon for the entire cookstove industry. 

EcoSafi was honored to be the only cookstove company invited to exhibit as a Climate Innovation Partner at the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, and to be among a handful of companies invited to be featured at this week's IEA Summit.

Currently operating in Kenya and Uganda, EcoSafi's stoves are free to use with a one-time, $5 service fee plus a subscription to EcoSafi's affordable biofuel. EcoSafi's fuel pellets are made entirely from sugarcane waste in Africa, saving trees and slashing carbon emissions. The BetterStove will be available to customers starting this summer.

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