

UC Won Announces Testing of New Geothermal Power Production Technology 

Nevada-based UC Won has secured leases on existing geothermal production wells in Northern Nevada. 
UC Won Announces Testing of New Geothermal Power Production Technology 
Courtesy of RenewGeo

The company plans to begin testing to deploy RenewGeo technology. RenewGeo is the branding for the proprietary process called Solar Augmented Geothermal Energy where solar heat is stored in the ground to create 24 / 7 sustainable geothermal produced electrical power.

Mark Hauenstein, managing partner at UC Won, and project leader at RenewGeo, said, “Today ends a two-year search for suitable wells to use for testing. One of the advantages for RenewGeo technology is to re-purpose existing geothermal wells that are not commercially viable or abandoned oil / gas fields for solar charged geothermal power production. From energy in the sky to power reserves in the ground, this technology expands where we site geothermal and is a disruptive energy innovation.”

According to Steve DeOreo, geothermal geologist working on the project, “Although the site was originally developed and has potential for conventional geothermal, the configuration of the existing wells is suitable for the RenewGeo technology.”

Testing is expected to start during the second quarter of 2019 pending final funding arrangements.

UC Won is a Nevada Corporation, founded in 2012 to create and manage a portfolio of intellectual properties focused on energy related technologies that are aligned with long term sustainable environmental goals.

Geothermally produced electricity is among the few methods that provides a continuous and reliable source of clean, carbon free power. RenewGeo is the only known technology that has the potential to take solar heat to create power from large scale, in-ground thermal storage.

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