
The Netherlands

Biga Hydrogen chooses Stargate Hydrogen´s stack technology 

Biga Hydrogen GmbH, and Stargate Hydrogen Solutions OÜ have signed a collaboration agreement in Rotterdam, during the World Hydrogen Summit, entailing the supply of electrolyser stacks, and have also agreed the first purchase order for an upcoming green hydrogen project in Turkey.
Biga Hydrogen chooses Stargate Hydrogen´s stack technology 
Courtesy of Stargate Hydrogen.

The first part of the project marks the beginning of the strategic collaboration between the two companies.  Stargate Hydrogen's Stellar100 stack will be integrated into Biga's innovative system, which will be operational in a turn-key electrolysis plant with 100 m3/h capacity to be built in the industrial zone of Manisa, Turkey.

The second phase aims for scaling up the project to a 1000Nm3/h hydrogen production system where Biga Hydrogen will integrate several Generation 2  stacks for an industrial decarbonisation project. The Generation 2 stacks, developed and patented by Stargate Hydrogen, are based on novel ceramic catalyst materials with leading efficiency and performance. 

Biga Hydrogen plans to build modular 1000 m3/h units to be deployed on a large scale: The first units are to be installed in Turkey’s Aegean Hydrogen Corridor, spanning the cities of Manisa and Izmir. It will demonstrate the financial viability of industrial decarbonisation by integrating hydrogen into industrial heating, waste heat recovery, back-up power generation, freight transport mobility, ammonia and methanol synthesis in industrial areas, and increasing the efficiency of energy generation, utilisation, storage and transmission. The first unit is scheduled to go into operation in the third quarter of 2025, followed by rapid deployment from 2026.

“We are delighted to have found an innovative supplier for our pilot project in Stargate Hydrogen and cannot wait to integrate the stack in our system” said Dr. Christian Postberg, CEO from Biga Hydrogen, commenting on the hydrogen project collaboration. “We are convinced that this will mark the beginning of a long lasting collaboration.” 

Both parties are excited about the possibilities of their collaboration and with the increasing demand for clean and reliable energy, the joint efforts of Biga Hydrogen and Stargate Hydrogen will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the future of the hydrogen industry. Together, they are committed to driving innovation, sustainability, and efficiency in the energy sector, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

“It's a privilege to see Stargate Hydrogen's technology chosen by Biga Hydrogen for their ambitious green hydrogen projects” added Marko Virkebau, CEO of Stargate Hydrogen. “We have already commissioned activities for the first project and in parallel working on future solutions for larger projects. At Stargate, we enjoy working with partners who are focused on getting hardware on the ground and can scale up quickly, Biga Hydrogen is clearly one of such partners.”

For additional information:

Biga Hydrogen GmbH

Stargate Hydrogen

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