
OhmConnect announces success of pilot Market-Aware Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage Programme with SunPower

Residential energy management company OhmConnect has announced the success of their Market-Aware Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage Pilot Programme with SunPower, which was recently introduced as part of the California Energy Commission’s Demand Side Grid Support Programme.
OhmConnect announces success of pilot Market-Aware Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage Programme with SunPower
Courtesy of Unsplash/Vivint Solar.

As part of a suite of programmes implemented to address the energy shortages caused by heat waves, wildfires, and other impacts of climate change, the Market-Aware Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage Programme offers incentives to electric customers who provide backup generation to support the state’s electrical grid during extreme events, which can ultimately reduce the risk of blackouts.

Under the programme, SunPower customers who are enrolled in the SunPower virtual power plant (VPP) powered by OhmConnect are able to earn rewards from their stored solar power when demand for electricity is at its highest.

“By seamlessly integrating into the SunPower platform, we’ve enabled residents to participate in creating a more resilient grid, without lifting a finger” said Cisco DeVries, OhmConnect CEO. “With OhmConnect's years of proven success, these results not only showcase its effectiveness, but also anticipate an even more substantial impact as more SunPower customers come on board.”

Since the launch of the pilot programme in August, SunPower VPP customers have provided an average of 400 kW of capacity and a total of 1.2 MWh of energy during market-triggered events, with an average participation rate of 94 percent.

California residents can enroll their SunVault battery storage systems into the VPP programme through the mySunPower app, available to download on Apple App Store or Google Play.

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