
Cognitive Business Launches Second Phase of Bathymetric Tidal Application 

Cognitive Business, an energy sector specialist in machine learning and applied A.I. innovation, has launched a second iteration of its revolutionary bathymetric tidal application – Bathymetric 2.0 - which uses bathymetric survey and tidal data to produce more accurate and specific prediction accessibility models.
Cognitive Business Launches Second Phase of Bathymetric Tidal Application 
Courtesy of Cognitive Business

The application has already been successfully deployed at RWE’s Robin Rigg offshore wind farm, adding to a suite of Cognitive’s A.I. tools already in operation on the site.

An advance on the company’s original Bathymetric app, Bathymetric 2.0 provides real time access restriction data across an entire wide farm, allowing operators and maintenance planners to make accurate decisions on when to deploy crew and vessels onto a site and how they navigate around the windfarm whilst on it.

Unlike the earlier Bathymetric app, which monitored individual turbines, Bathymetric 2.0 provides a holistic picture of exclusion zones across an entire windfarm. By creating restriction zones in 50 by 50-metre squares, Bathymetric 2.0 delivers real-time information that can be accessed simultaneously both onshore in the control room and in the field by vessels on the water.

This real-time data enables the maintenance and operations teams to see access conditions daily and hourly across the site, enabling them to complete more jobs in one visit by planning around visible restrictions.   

Speaking about the latest app development, Thomas Humphries, CTO at Cognitive Business said, “Bathymetric 2.0 marks a significant evolution in offshore access management. By providing real-time, site-wide data, it allows our clients to anticipate and respond to changing access conditions instantly, improving both safety and efficiency and enabling more maintenance operations to happen in a single windfarm visit.”

Bathymetric 2.0 is already being used successfully on RWE’s Robin Rigg wind farm where constantly shifting seabed’s and sandbanks present a major challenge to the maintenance teams. With Bathymetric 2.0’s detailed, on-demand forecasts of access restrictions, RWE can minimize unnecessary downtime and optimize the site.

Bathymetric 2.0 forms part of Cognitive’s overall toolkit of A.I applications designed to provide innovative technology solutions to help offshore wind farms increase productivity and safety. The ability to provide access restriction forecasting and accurate real-time monitoring allows operators to confidently make decisions about deploying crews to perform operational tasks.  By reducing operational inefficiencies and maximising turbine uptime, Bathymetric 2.0 will support in increasing profitability and sustainability of offshore wind farms.

Robin Rigg was the first commercial offshore wind farm to be established in Scottish Waters. The farm began full generation in April 2010 and produces enough electricity to power 137,000 homes.

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