
Latest MCS data shows UK heat pump installations are on the rise  

The latest MCS data shows that during 2024, April was the best month so far for the uptake of small-scale renewables, according to Ian Rippin, CEO at MCS, with a total of 18,621 certified installations across the UK.
Latest MCS data shows UK heat pump installations are on the rise  
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

“There were more than 4,500 certified heat pump installations in April alone, making it the third-best month for heat pumps in Scheme history” Mr Rippin said. “Average monthly heat pump installations this year are 32 percent higher compared to 2023, setting the stage for what looks to be another record-breaking year for the technology. It’s evidence that more homeowners are making the switch to low-carbon heating, bolstered in part through government initiatives such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS).”

The BUS requires installations to be MCS certified in order to qualify for the grant. It remains a critical part of the UK’s drive to make low-carbon heating more accessible and affordable.

“As we approach its two-year anniversary, government figures show there have been more than 37,000 applications for grants as of the end of March 2024” added Mr Rippin. “The number of BUS applications in March alone was 46 percent higher in 2024 compared to March 2023, and looking at January - March as a whole, applications were up by 56 percent compared to the same period in 2023.

“MCS data also shows that the momentum for battery storage installations continues to build, with 1,374 certified installations in April alone, making it the best month ever for this technology, and surpassing 10,000 total certified installations.

“Finally, Wales continued to strengthen its position as the leading nation for renewable energy uptake, with 8.90 percent of households now having an MCS certified renewable installation, moving further ahead of Scotland’s 8.59 percent. We can also see that both South Hams and Stirling have exceeded the 20 percent uptake mark. This makes South Hams the first local authority in England to have more than one in five households with a certified renewable installation.”

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