
DistGen adopts Windscope to optimise O&M for UK distributed wind portfolio

DistGen, an onshore wind energy independent power producer (IPP) based in the UK, has adopted Windscope’s hardware-free platform designed to maximise wind turbine health and availability.
DistGen adopts Windscope to optimise O&M for UK distributed wind portfolio
Courtesy of NREL.

By bringing an advanced operations and maintenance (O&M) approach to its small-scale, distributed wind portfolio, DistGen is aiming to make the most of older assets.

DistGen operates as a small, distributed operator, managing a fleet of community-owned wind turbines. For these assets, maintaining high levels of operational availability and an efficient O&M strategy is essential to maximising the value delivered, both in terms of clean electricity generated and financial returns.

Windscope's software platform integrates with a number of technologies in-house, allowing the operations team to take advantage of cutting-edge predictive maintenance approaches more commonly deployed for large-scale wind portfolios. The platform will enable DistGen to optimise its wind turbine health and availability through real-time monitoring, condition-based maintenance, and data-driven insights.

“A key aspect of our mission is the refurbishment and operation of wind turbines that have surpassed their initial operational life” said Darran Potter, Operations Director at DistGen. “This approach not only proves to be financially prudent but also significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new turbines. There is little room for error in this industry – Windscope’s versatile platform allows us to leave even less room for error by efficiently managing our distributed portfolio, ensuring the longevity and reliability of our turbines.”

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