
Sunfire Partners with Total on Hydrogen Technology

Cleantech company, Sunfire, has signed a cooperation agreement with the French energy company Total SA. Sunfire will provide a megawatt-scale high temperature electrolyzer for use in industrial environments as part of the E-CO2MET research and development project. 
Sunfire Partners with Total on Hydrogen Technology
Courtesy of Sunfire

The advantage of the high-temperature electrolyzer is its ability to directly use economically produced steam or waste heat from industrial and synthesis processes. With this method, the use of valuable green electricity can be reduced. It is the most efficient process on the market for converting electricity into hydrogen. The high efficiency of over 80 percent also significantly reduces the overall cost of the integrated process.

The company will also be responsible for the integration at the site as well as the operation and maintenance of the electrolyzer, which will be the first step for the industrial-scale production of synthetic methanol from renewables and industrial concentrated CO2 from the Total Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH.

The production of green methanol and hydrogen from renewable energies offers great opportunities for the global energy and transport transition.

“Total is delighted to develop efficient technologies to re-use CO2 to chemicals, materials and fuels. Carbon capture, utilization and storage is going to play an essential role in achieving carbon neutrality without curbing economic and social growth,” said Marie-Noelle Semeria, Senior Vice President, Group Chief Technology Officer at Total.
During the collaboration with Total, Sunfire's electrolyzer will be involved in various research and development projects. Various operative studies will be carried out at its location in Leuna to evaluate the performance of the system, as well as in relation to volatile renewable energy supply. The evaluation of the results will be undertaken by Total according to quality and qualification guidelines for new technologies. Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures, the venture capital arm of Total SA, has been a minority equity shareholder in Sunfire since 2014.

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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