
How solar technology adapts to legislation

Eurener has just launched solar sets that adapt to the Spanish solar legislation’s limit of 20 kW, and include inverters and structures, thus making it easier to take full advantage of the support scheme.

The sets are not only competitive in price, but they are tailor-made for the new Spanish royal decree, which establishes that facilities of up to 20 kWp are entitled to a feed-in tariff of 34 c€/kWh, the highest in the country.


The company has launched sets of 4 kWn, 6 kWn, 10 kWn and 20 kWn, all of them under the maximum feed-in tariff range.


This is a clear sign that the solar industry is coming closer to the consumers. Not only do the new legislations in a number of countries aim for this, but also companies are starting to adapt their commercial strategy accordingly.

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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