

Solar Frontier and Chopro to build 29MW megasolar project at Nagasaki Airport

Solar Frontier and Chopro have signed a letter of agreement with the Nagasaki Prefectural Government and the Land Development Public Corporation of Nagasaki Prefecture for a 29MW megasolar power plant on land adjoining Nagasaki Airport, Japan
Solar Frontier and Chopro to build 29MW megasolar project at Nagasaki Airport

The agreement was signed on March 31st 2014 and concerns the construction and operation of the solar power plant which will be the largest such facility in Nagasaki Prefecture and one of the largest in Japan.

After the Kansai International Airport megasolar plant, the new facility will be the second large-scale installation at an airport to use Solar Frontier’s CIS thin-film technology. These modules have a higher electricity yield compared to crystalline silicon and also have anti-glare properties in order to ensure they don’t interfere with aircraft operations.

“Our Nagasaki project integrates the economical advantages of Solar Frontier’s CIS solar energy system solutions, from supplying high-performance CIS modules through to Operation & Maintenance, with Chopro’s expertise as an energy supplier local to Nagasaki” said Hiroto Tamai, President and Representative Director of Solar Frontier. “Together with leading regional companies like Chopro, we will continue to meet the high demand for solar projects that offer competitive and reliable returns on investment.”

The Nagasaki Prefectural Government announced its partner selection in December 2013 as part of its solar and renewable energy initiative, the “Nagasaki Green New Deal.” As well as supporting local companies, a pre-determined percentage of proceeds from the project will go to Nagasaki Prefecture to assist local economic growth.

For additional information:

Solar Frontier

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