
United States

Congress to wade into Solyndra bankruptcy on Wednesday

Republicans in the US House of Representatives will kick off their probe of federal financing for the failed solar energy company Solyndra.
Congress to wade into Solyndra bankruptcy on Wednesday

The California company’s shutdown and bankruptcy despite receiving a $535 million federal loan has sparked new criticism of the Obama administration, and fired up Republicans just as the president releases his $400 billion jobs program that is expected, in part, to help promote creation of green jobs across the US.

Already Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are accusing the White House of not being forthcoming with documents about the federal aid, which was dispensed through the US Energy Department’s loan-guarantee program.

Among those that have been invited to testify are Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison, as well as officials with the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Energy.

For additional information:

The Hill Newspaper

Tags: Jobs , Solar
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