
The Netherlands

Jack-Up Barge announces new offshore installation method

The offshore self-elevating platform supplier Jack-Up Barge, has announced the launch of a new cost-effective installation method that could revolutionise offshore wind turbine construction
Jack-Up Barge announces new offshore installation method

The Netherlands-based company successfully completed sea trials on a new portable DP2 system at the beginning of March. The system is integrated to one of Jack-Up Barge’s platforms and enables the vessel to operate between work sites offshore without having to rely on a tug. This helps to make the platform more independent, ensuring the delivery of an extremely time-efficient installation process for offshore wind turbines. It also helps to reduce costs relative to current, conventional installation methods.

The new innovation is part of Jack-Up Barge’s drive to provide best-in-class offshore installation solutions to the energy markets.

“This is a new system, pioneered by Jack-Up Barge, that aims to streamline operations for increased efficiency” said Ronald Schukking, Managing Director of Jack-Up Barge. “Seatrials have been a complete success and we are very pleased with the performance of JB 118 and the new system. There is every indication that this will prove revolutionary for the platform-based offshore installation process.”

The system can be mobilised to either the JB 117 or JB 118 platforms with minimal adaptation, and also to JB 114 or JB 115. This flexibility ensures wide availability of the system to clients at any time. It is currently integrated on board JB 118, having been installed at the Keppel Verolme shipyard in the Port of Rotterdam. It has also received the ABS classification DPS2 and is ready for use in combination with one of Jack-Up Barge’s North Sea standard built platforms.

For additional information:

Jack-Up Barge

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