

Israeli government embarks on “Green Knesset” plan

Plan to make the Knesset more sustainable includes the construction of a 4,500 square meter solar field, replacing the air-conditioning systems with an energy centre and energy saving schemes to reduce carbon and shrink the carbon footprint
Israeli government embarks on “Green Knesset” plan

The Israeli government has launched a “Green Knesset” project intended to make the country’s parliament the greenest political body in the world. The project is to be spearheaded by Members of the Knesset (MKs) Dov Khenin, Zvulun Kalfa and Nitzan Horowitz, and it will be implemented under the supervision of Knesset Director-General Ronen Plott.

“As a legislature that passes environmental laws, the Knesset must practice what it preaches” said Speaker Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, adding that while it would require significant financial investment, it will also return that investment, and that the project constitutes a declaration of an ”irreversible policy” led by parliament.

The project will consist of numerous activities, including educating MKs and Knesset employees on environmental matters and encouraging them to take part in environmental activities. They will also be encouraged to publish position papers on such issues, launch projects aimed at making the Knesset more sustainable along with everyday operational activities conducted within it.

The first phase of the project will run through 2014 and 2015 characterized by 13 ventures focusing on energy and water. This will include the construction of a 4,500 square meter solar field for the production of electricity from renewable energy; replacing hundreds of bulbs with LED bulbs; replacing the air-conditioning systems with an energy centre; automatically shutting down all of the computers at the end of the workday; measuring the amount of water used for irrigation in the Knesset and adopting a more economical water consumption model; the desalination of water from the Knesset`s air-conditioning systems and using this water for irrigation and other purposes. The resulting energy savings will reduce the level of carbon emissions from the Knesset and thus make the Knesset`s ecological footprint smaller.

An investment of around NIS 7 million will fund these initiatives with an estimated financial return of NIS 1.5 million per year, on average, after about five years. This sum will be transferred to the “Green Fund,” which will be used for the expansion of the project into additional initiatives as well as for the benefit of the employees, as is customary around the world. All the approved projects have been passed as economically feasible.

The project will be a source of pride for Israel and should inspire other countries according to Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water Silvan Shalom

“This is a blessed move of great importance” Mr Shalom added.” Encouraging energetic efficiency, the saving of electricity and advancing the use of natural gas and renewable energy will reduce pollution, preserve the environment and save a lot of money.”

Further initiatives, to be developed according to a multi-year work plan, will be implemented during the second phase of the project and will include discussion of the Knesset’s geographical surroundings, notably the planning of a park featuring a communal garden, the encouragement of the use of public transportation and turning the Knesset into a building that educates visitors on the environment.

For additional information:

The Knesset

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